Saxophone and live electronics: score following technology
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World premiere of ‘La nuit cyclique au jardin de Ts’ui Pên’ for soprano, alto, tenor, baryton and electronics with score following by the Chilean composer Javier Muñoz Bravo.

Andrés Castellani is an argentinian contemporary saxophone player.
In 2014 he finished his Masters of Music, in Strasbourg, with renowned performer Philippe Geiss.
In 2010, Andres completed his Degree in Music at the Universidad Nacional de Lanus. In beetwen 2010 and 2012 he spent two years in Bordeaux studying saxophone and contemporary chamber music with Marie-Bernadette Charrier.
Andres is sought after as an interpreter of contemporary music and believes passionately in promoting the music of today. He works with several composers to create new repertory and he is member of the contemporary ensemble No input (Paris) and the saxophone duo Miradas Cruzadas (Strasbourg)
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‘La nuit cyclique au jardin de Ts’ui Pên’ for saxophones and live electronics is inspired of one of Jorge Luis Borges’ stories: ‘Le jardin aux sentiers qui bifurquent’. Borges introduces the idea of different notions of time. Ts’ui Pên decided to build an infinite garden where nobody could escape. The line time is completely destroyed because the events from the past and the future woul find themselves together in the present. On the inside of the garden the chronologic time doesn’t exist, the time could be continuous, discontinuous, bifurcate or just break into the eternity.
The composer uses these ideas throughout the piece. He uses four saxophones (soprano, alto, tenor and baritone) played by one saxophonist in different parts of the piece in order to develop the idea of different times: past, present and future. These aspects can also be found in the electronic part.
This piece is completely unique . Only one piece for saxophone and score following using the program Antescofo has been written before. Besides this, La nui cyclique, is the only piece for saxophone where the time of the electronic part is totally flexible and controlled by the musician through his interpretation.
This piece doesn’t use a pedal or MIDI controller. The electronic part starts with the sound of the saxophone. The computer recognizes and analyzes the saxophone’s pitches and tempos in order to follow and make all the necessary changes to play together with the musician in real time.