Jam For Joy Performance
Website(s) : http://www.jamforjoy.fr
Jazz and songs standards, compositions made by member of the band, classicals themes revisited in an original way. Here’s the musical recipe from the group Jam For Joy since its creation in 2007.
Jam For Joy is a quartet (Bass, drums, piano and saxophone) created in 2007 by the saxophonist Sébastien Maimbourg and the pianist Christophe Ferry.
This band interprets on stage very diverse music, indeed; jazz, improvised musics, creations, songs….
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Jazz and songs’ standards. Every member of the group has also composed.
Classicals themes revisited in an original way…. Here’s the musical recipe from the group “”Jam For Joy”” since its creation in 2007.
Sébastien Maimbourg uses a great part of saxophone’s family to express himself in this quartet constituted of creatives musiciens.