Greenfield Venture Agreement

Greenfield venture agreement refers to a type of agreement between two or more companies that form a new entity for a specific purpose. This entity is typically created to develop a new product, service, or industry from scratch.

Unlike joint ventures, greenfield ventures start with a clean slate. No existing infrastructure or resources are utilized, and everything is built from the ground up. This can be both a challenge and an opportunity for the companies involved, as they have complete control over the venture`s development.

However, creating a greenfield venture requires a significant amount of investment and dedication. The companies must be willing to take risks and commit to a long-term vision. Moreover, they must have a solid agreement that outlines their responsibilities, obligations, and rights.

Key Components of a Greenfield Venture Agreement

1. Purpose and Scope: The agreement should clearly define the purpose and scope of the venture. This includes the industry or product the venture will develop and the target market.

2. Ownership Structure: The agreement should specify the ownership structure of the venture and the percentage of ownership each company holds. This will determine how profits, losses, and liabilities are shared.

3. Management and Decision-Making: The agreement should outline the management structure of the venture and how decisions will be made. This includes the appointment of key personnel and the roles and responsibilities of each party.

4. Funding and Resources: The agreement should clearly define the funding and resource requirements of the venture. This includes the initial investment required and how future funding needs will be met.

5. Intellectual Property: The agreement should address intellectual property rights and ownership. This includes any patents, trademarks, or copyrights developed during the venture and how they will be shared.

Benefits of a Greenfield Venture Agreement

1. Control: The companies involved have complete control over the development and management of the venture.

2. Market Opportunity: A greenfield venture can provide a unique opportunity to enter a new market or develop a new product.

3. Strategic Partnership: Forming a greenfield venture can create a strategic partnership between companies that can benefit both parties.

4. New Capabilities: Developing a new product or industry from scratch can provide new capabilities and expertise to the companies involved.


A greenfield venture agreement is a complex agreement that requires careful planning and commitment from the companies involved. However, it can provide a unique opportunity to develop a new product or industry from scratch. By creating a solid agreement that outlines their responsibilities, obligations, and rights, the companies involved can ensure the success of the venture.