New Polish Music For Saxophone

Compositions made for Pawel Gusnar, varying greatly in terms of style, aesthetics,and individual sonority. Artists from Warsaw will reinterpret them, mixing traditional and neoclassical sonorities.

Open Bass

Fascinated by bass saxophone, Guillaume Berceau wishes to advocate this instrument, by performing existing music as well as world premieres by M. Urkeza and G. Letouvey.

The Baritone Institute Performance

After the Baritone Institute’s residence in Alsace, at Hohlandsbourg’s Castle, professional saxophonists will present their achievements through world premieres for baritone saxophone.

Baritone Institute will perform as part of World Sax Day (

Solo recital

Solo recital featuring saxophonist Sarah Markham performing new works for solo saxophone. She will be joined at the end of her recital by saxophonist Michael Duke and pianist Paul Turner.

SOS Saxophone Orchestra

This ensemble composed with pedagogues, soloists, arrangers, composers, jazz and chamber musicians from Slovenia, Croatia and Poland performs without a conductor.

NYKY performance

Demo of combining three very different instruments to show the full array of possibilities they provide and exploring colors and sounds that are unusual in chamber music.

N. Mandel performance

Nathan Mandel presents music for saxophone and electronics created through collaborations between himself and composers from the professional new music scene in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA.

NATO Saxophone Orchestra Performance

The NATO Saxophone Orchestra, formed of eleven representatives from NATO member nations’ military bands conducted by CPT Aaron Morris will perform works by S. Dankner & S. Reich.

Latitude Sigma

Sigma Project puts into dialogue works of two of the most important european composers: the italian Simone Movio and the spanish composer José María Sánchez-Verdú (National Music Prize in 2003).