Sax in Blue Porcelain
35 saxophonists will play 7 pieces with porcelain as main theme. Original work based on the intervention of young solo saxophonists improvising with saxophones, ocarinas and percussions.
The saxophone’s group ” Colors Saxophones ” includes all of the pupils of the music schools of the association of local authorities Vienna Glane (St Junien) and the Country of the Meteorite ( Rochechouart) in the Haute-Vienne ( 87 ). 35 pupils from 8 to 64 years old, all the levels, beginners in the most confirmed. It will be managed by teacher Emanuelle Hoareau and also accompanied with a musician in the synthesizer.
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The group ” Couleurs Saxophones ” will interpret a program axed on the theme of the china in touch with one of the key activities of the region Limousin. On a carpet of broken china, with in bottom of stage a porcelain modelled saxophone and ornamental suspensions, 35 saxophonists will play a program of 30 minutes the following works: “Porcelain” of Moby, ” Jacques Barat’s Saxe porcelain “, Ted Huggens’s ” Coffee serenade “, ” Three china roses ” of Alain Lopez, One china summer ” of Mort Schuman and Daniel Vangarde’s china doll ” and a contemporary creation ” Saxophone service ” of Emanuelle Hoareau. 6 songs arranged or written by the teacher Emanuelle Hoareau who will manage these musicians.The originality is on the intervention of the youngest saxophonists (9 all in all from 8 to 10 years old) who will be soloists and will improvise with their saxophone, but also with porcelain ocarinas and will also play the percussion on coffee cups and others. The entrance of the leader will be made with a trick of magic and illusion not requiring specific equipment . Musicians will be dressed everything of white so that blue lightings are reflected on the stage. The composition of the group will be 5 baritones, 7 tenors, 20 violas, 6 sopranos, 1 keyboard synthesizer.