Vanguard music by contemporary composers – ensemble

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Proyecto Hélade is an ensemble whose objective is to interpret the vanguard music and the evolution of the saxophone repertoire through a direct collaboration with contemporary composers.


“Proyecto Hélade” is an ensemble which objectives are the interpretation of vaguard music, the evolution of the saxophone repertoire through a direct collaboration with contemporary composers and to make a room in the current musical scene.

The keys of “Proyecto Hélade” are the novelty of the proposal, the hope and the quality expressed in each performance and the desire to bring to the musical and artistic scene of today varied, impressive and visually attractive performances that are impeccable at the technical and sound level. And over all: contemporary.

Proyecto Hélade is made up of Luis González Marín and María García Arcos

More information

Proyecto Hélade was created in 2010 by two saxophonists, who share the same passion and the same commitment to contemporary musical creation. These two soloists, seeking relationships with other artistic disciplines (singers, actors, dancers, painters …) and share an enthusiasm for the interplay of different artistic fields.

“Imágenes Sonoras” is our proposal concert for the World Saxophone Congress Strasbourg 2015.

Humans are visual by nature, our more developed sense is the sight and accompany this dominant aspect of music for the image, it causing that our understanding and perception of the performance will be wider.
This concert will run playing with the interaction between music, video and electro to create a concert-performance, where the living space resources will be exploited during the musical action.

– Higashi Dori (2014) for successive saxophone in Bb and Eb by the french composer François Rosse; it describes the work environments of different areas of Japan after the composer travel to this country.

– Hiawatha (2015) for successive saxophones by the spanish composer Enric Ríu; Hiawatha was a very brave American Indian chief and a great politician of his time who advocated tirelessly for her people. Today is given this name to a huge forest that stretches north of the state of Michigan. The work is a print made sound.