Ragtimes and other new publications
Website(s) : http://www.philippegeiss.com / http://www.sebastientroendle.com/
Premieres of new ragtimes for pedagogical use by Sébastien Troendlé and other new publications composed by Philippe Geiss.

Teacher in the Strasbourg superior academy & conservatory of music Philippe Geiss his one of the earliest musician, from the French saxophone school, who build his own « crossover » style between classical and improvising music. As composer, his music is performed by famous musicians & ensembles : Strasbourg Philharmonic orchestra, Latvian Symphonic orchestra, U.S. Navy band, Branford Marsalis, Nederland wind ensemble, Slovenian Police Orchestra and many sax quartets. His passion is to research and build links between classical & jazz musicians.His music is published by editions : Robert Martin, Billaudot, Leduc.
Pianist graduated from the the Academy of Basel, Sebastian Troendle is an amazing ragtime specialist.
More information
Philippe Geiss will present his new publications from his own composition and several new ragtimes composed and performed with Sébastien Troendlé on piano. From beginners to advanced level.