« Quimeras, unicornios y ornitorrincos » by Tomas Marco
Website(s) : http://www.saxfrancisco.com
« Quimeras, unicornios y ornitorrincos » is a world premiere of the composer Tomas Marco and is composed of three movements. The accompaining group will be the Sax-Ensemble from Madrid.
Born in San Juan (Alicante), completed his formal music study in Alicante and Madrid. Later he completed additional studies in France with Daniel Deffayet, Serge Bichon, and J.M. Londeix among others.
As a soloist, his performances consist of concerts in various halls within Europe, the United States, and Asia More than 150 composers have written works for him, which he later premiered as a soloist or with the Sax-Ensemble group. Mr. Martínez is the artistic director of Sax-Ensemble and award winner of the Spanish Ministry of Culture’s National Music Award for Interpretation.
Is professor at the Madrid Royal Conservatory of Music, and the where he currently holds position as Professor of Saxophone. Also is professor of musical pedagogy in the “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”.
More information
The project is a world premiere by the composer Tomas Marco titled:
“Quimeras, unicornios y ornitorrincos”, They are three movements and 15 minutes of duration
The instrumental parts are: saxo soprano/alto soloist, saxophone quartet, piano y 1 percusionist. The acompaining group will be Sax-Ensemble from Madrid.