Mélodies voix saxophone piano
Website(s) : http://jeannoelauer.musicblog.fr/ / http://www.cdmc.asso.fr/fr/ressources/compositeurs/biographies/conde-gerard-1947
The project of the trio “VxSxPo” consists of bringing something new into the voice-piano tradition with an original instrument : the saxophone.

AF regularly performs with the old music groups “Les Violes d’Eole” in Chaumont and the “Bandabera” in Epinal. Also pianist, violist and cellist, she teaches in the Thillot’s secondary school and leads the choir “les Fifrelus”.
After obtaining unanimously the gold medals of saxophone and chamber music and a first interregional superior prize, JNA improves his skills by F.Moretti’s side. Member of the quartet “SaxsInfluences”, JNA has performed many times the rhapsody “Sur les Hauts” for saxophone and orchestra written especially for him by the composer G.Condé.
JR obtained her first Prize of accompaniment and then the Interregional Superior Prize of piano. In the meantime, she started studying in the University of Musicology where she obtained her bachelor’s degree.
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The project of the trio VxSxPo consists in bringing something new into the traditional voice-piano scheme with an original instrument: the saxophone. In 2014, the will to work on it with the composer Gérard Condé brought together the singer Anne Fredricksen, the saxophonist Jean-Noël Auer and the pianist Julie Richard. These three musicians with rich and various careers are acknowledged for their many musical activities in Lorraine and Alsace. The “Historiettes” by Jean Francaix or the transcription of the famous Opus 91 by Johannes Brahms are the other masterpieces performed by the trio.
Anne Fredriksen regularly performs with the old music group “Les Violes d’Eole” in Chaumont (Fr52) and the Bandabera in Epinal (Fr88). As a soloist, she sang the “Stabat Mater” by Pergolese, Vivaldi’s “Gloria” with different choruses from the Doubs and the Vosges as well as Vivaldi’s “Nissi Dominus” with the Franz group. After musicology studies and the obtaining of the French competitive examination in music teaching called the “agregation”, she now improves her skills with C. Klein, singing master in Nancy (Fr54). Also piano player, violiste, and cellist, she teaches in the Thillot’s secondary school and leads the choir “les Fifrelus” in St Nabord.
After obtaining unanimously the gold medals of saxophone and chamber music and a first interregional superior prize in Nancy’s conservatoire, Jean-Noël Auer improves his skills by Fabrice Moretti’s side in the Paris Basin. With a State Diploma as a saxophone teacher, he teaches in the music school of Haguenau (Fr67) as well as Saulxures sur Moselotte. Member of the quartet “Saxs Influences”, JNA has performed many times the rhapsody “Sur les Hauts” for saxophone and orchestra written especially for him by the composer Gérard Condé.
Julie Richard has studied the piano in Nancy’s conservatoire in Monique Debus’s class; she obtained her first Prize and then the interregional superior prize with her in 2001. In the meantime, she started studying in the University of Musicology where she obtained her bachelor’s degree. She also entered JBR’s accompaniment class and won a first Prize in 2005.
Fond of teaching, Julie Richard has followed the training from Lorraine’s CEFEDEM based in Metz twice. There, she obtained the State degrees of piano teacher and then of piano accompanist. Working since September 2004 in Epinal’s Conservatoire as an accompanist, Julie Richard is often asked to accompany on the piano for examinations. She also performs in concerts, in chamber music groups.