Le Saxophone dans tous ses états
Website(s) : http://ansep2a.e-monsite.com
The saxophone class of the music school and the Chapelle Sur Erdre School of Dance presents 2 creations and one arrangement with choregraphy for SaxOpen.
![](http://webtv.saxopen.com/wp-content/uploads/projet_913_Ensemble HAMADRYADESAX-300x225.jpg)
Jean-Pierre SIMON is a saxophone professor since 1989 at music school of the Chapelle/ Erdre .He has always developped projects with of other musicians.In 1990 he has organised “SAXOPHONIES” at Angers with G.BORDIER, J.M LONDEIX, F.JURANVILLE. Since 2002 he has established the international competition saxophone in Nantes.Then 2006 he has created l’ANSEP2A ( (National Association of educational structures and associative artistic practice) to assist cultural associations in their operation.
Before leaving his saxophone class, he proposed to his students to attend the conference in Strasbourg. The saxophone ensemble will be comprise eight saxophonists students and young adults, a pianist, two percussionists, a group of eight dancers.
More information
World Saxphone Congress programme
• Orient-Express Paris Istanbul by Roland BOUTILLIERS
Saxophones ensemble, piano, percussions, choregraphy of dance school of the Chapelle/ Erdre Show time : 10’00- directed by J.P SIMON.
• Armondo GHIDONI creation
Saxophone ensemble & choregraphy of dance school of the Chapelle/ Erdre (44).
Show time : 14’00 – Directed by J.P SIMON
• Danse Macabre de SAINT SAENS
Saxophones ensemble, piano, percussions, choregraphy of dance school of the Chapelle/ Erdre Show time : 07’00- directed by J.P SIMON.
It is a collaboration between the saxophone class of music school and of the dancers of dance school of the Chapelle / Erdre In Loire Atlantique. They propose 2 creation, one arrangement, with choreography for world saxophone congress.