Humano a Mano
Marc Wolff and Thierry Beaucoup present a repetoire of original pieces borrowed from different musical styles (jazz, world, electro, rock), accoustic instruments, voices, machinery (laptop, looper, sampling-pad) and additional instruments presented on scene, introducing a notion of performances, each of the two musicians take turns playing the bass, the keyboards or programming tools.

Marc Wolff (drums, electric bass, keyboard, vocals, laptop)
Marc Wolff is a very eclectic drummer. He has taken part in many projects (jazz, improvised music, “chanson française”, tale, circus, world music). He considers the sound is as important as the rhythm. He can play many instruments : the drums, the bass, the keyboards. His excellent listening skills make him an outstanding accompanist at the service of music.
He has played and recorded with Off7, Tracas d’Affaires, Roze Diezel, Chafik Khelifati, Jean-Luc Peilhon, Jean-François Baez, Laurence Olivier, Jean- Marc Vella, Sapho, Michèle Bernard, Rémo Gary, Guy Prunier, Bergamote, Vincent Cros, Lune de Mars, Louis Sclavis, Renaud Garcia-Fons, Karimouche, among others,
Thierry Beaucoup (saxophones, electric bass, keyboard, vocals, laptop)
Thierry Beaucoup is a saxophonist and a composer. His musical langage has been emerging out of meetings, exchanges and artistic projects. He likes to link music and performing arts, and is currently working on different projects where he can confront his music to movement (classical and contemporary dancing), to Vjing, and to any other art form.
He has played with Jean Pierre Como, David Linx, Andy Sheppard, Goeffroy de Masure, Lyon Jazz Orchestra, Appoloss & Amouy Bô, Sueno latino, Son del gazo, Bebey Prince Bissongo & tankalawa Band, Mad Nomad Quartet, Soulmusicstory, l’Arbre à Trois Têtes among others. He has also replaced Archie Shepp in his band.
He is supported by D’Addario.
More information
Marc Wolff (drums/percussions) and Thierry Beaucoup (saxophones/vocals) shape original works whose influences are various: jazz, rock, electro and world music. On stage: traditional instruments, voices, machines (laptop, looper, sampling-pad), additional instruments, and the two performers playing the bass, the keyboards, and using the programming tools in turns.
Their musical performance turns out to be an unceasing imaginative ‘laboratory’ through cultural diversity, technical and technological brainstorming to achieve an artistic creation. Here is who they are: Humano a Mano, a variable geometry group. Here is what they create: a playful musical moment.
Nom des oeuvres et compositeurs : création
TAYLOR SPIRIT (Th.Beaucoup/M. Wolff)
ELASTIKO (Th.Beaucoup/M. Wolff)
PALESTINE (Th.Beaucoup/M. Wolff)
EAST-WEST (Th.Beaucoup)
PIPO (Th.Beaucoup/M. Wolff)
SANZA (Th.Beaucoup/M. Wolff)
WORK TODAY (Th.Beaucoup/M. Wolff)