Hong Kong Sax Style
Website(s) : http://www.takchiuwong.com / http://www.apsa-sax.com
The two newly composed works for saxophone that Tak Chiu Wong will perform reflect the unique stylistic directions of two generations of Hong Kong composers Dr. Ming-Chi Chan and Dr. Austin Yip.

Born in Hong Kong, saxophonist Tak Chiu Wong is regarded as one of the most active saxophonist in Asia. Besides being a performer, He is also a pedagogue and event organizer. He was taught in Hong Kong, United State and France. His mentors included Michael Campbell, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Jennifer To, and Scott Turpen. He won the 2nd prize of the Paris Saxophone Competition during his stay in France.
Wong was invited to perform throughout Asia, Europe and United State .He has given masterclasses and workshops in Hong Kong, Macau, China Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Italy. He is the co-organizer and faculty member of the Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy.
Wong is a Selmer Paris and D’addario artist.
More information
2 newly composed works for saxophone from renowned composers in Hong Kong. The long history of the British colony creates an unique cultural atmosphere in Western and Eastern mixture. The compositions reflect the unique stylistic directions of 2 generation of Hong Kong composers Dr. Ming-Chi Chan and Dr. Austin Yip. Dr. Ming-chi Chan is the professor in the Shanghai Conservatory; and Dr. Austin Yip is lecture in the Baptist University in Hong Kong.
The program:
Xi.Mong II for soprano, alto, tenor saxophone and piano by Dr. Ming-Chi Chan (European Premiere)
Concrete, for alto saxophone and piano by Dr. Austin Yip (World Premiere)
The program last around 30 minutes. Commissions are supported by funding from the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited