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Arno Bornkamp makes us rediscover transcriptions of solo pieces by J.S. Bach, accompanied by videos of James Murray that will make this concert a total experience.

Dutch saxophonist Arno Bornkamp is the archetype of the modern virtuoso, feeling equally at home in traditional and contemporary repertoire.
Since his 1982 solo debut in Rome he has played more than 200 concerts with orchestras around the world.
For over 30 years, Bornkamp has been a member of two groups: the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet and his duo with pianist Ivo Janssen.
The many CD’s he has made since 1990 on various labels have garnered national and international praise.
Arno Bornkamp is a renowned teacher, leading an international saxophone class at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. In the summer he teaches at various masterclasses.
Bornkamp has taken the initiative to create a festival in Amsterdam in November 2014, celebrating the 200th birthday of Adolphe Sax: SAX14.
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J.S. Bach (1685-1750) has composed ageless music for solo-instruments: with his Partita’s for traverso-flute and violin and suite’s for cello he has created monumental music for that very instrument, using the various dance-forms of his time as a point of departure. Every dance has it’s own basic structure for rhythm, melody and harmony. Actually by leaving out many things- he has only one instrument at his disposal- Bach creates an imaginary sound-world, a total musical spectrum. He moves like a chess-player on the board, knowing all variants ahead. The result is pure, architectural beauty. Generally spoken Bach’s music is well adaptable for other instruments: Bach was an active arranger of his own- and other’s music. The alto saxophone (with it’s flexible technique and endless tone-colours) is very adequate for transcriptions of Bach’s music. The internationally acclaimed saxophonist Arno Bornkamp ventures to play Bach’s Partita nr. 2 (for violin) on saxophone But he is not alone: the especially for this piece created video-images by James Murray will accompany him and will make this performance a total experience.